Anthropology Student Receives Scholar Award
Andres G. Mejia-Ramon ('16) wins Stamp Family Charitable Foundation Penelope W. and E. Roe Stamps IV Leadership Scholar Award.
[more]Andres G. Mejia-Ramon ('16) wins Stamp Family Charitable Foundation Penelope W. and E. Roe Stamps IV Leadership Scholar Award.
[more]Dartmouth’s Kes Schroer has taken her students on an unusual adventure “in order to put themselves into the mind of a chimpanzee,” she says. “Chimpanzees provide a critical counterpoint for understanding the potential uniqueness of human behaviors.”
[more]Support from the Lucas Family Fund for Undergraduate Research and the Claire Garber Goodman Fund for the Anthropological Study of Human Culture enabled Andres Mejia-Ramon to conduct investigations at the pre-Columbian metropolis of Teotihuacan.
[more]Genevieve Mifflin '14 took part in an archaeological dig this summer at the site of Zincirli Höyük in southern Turkey, where she spent five weeks working with Dartmouth professors Virginia and Jason Herrmann.
[more]Colin Quinn ’15 worked on the Chiquilistagua archaeological project in Nicaragua. The site, thought to have been occupied between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D., may have been a conduit for trade between the cultures of Mexico to the north and South America.