Avery Hormaechea '24
(Capstone Project)
"New England Thrift: An Exploration & Exhibition of Value's Affects"
Advisor: L. Ogden
The Department of Anthropology awards the Deborah L. Nichols prize annually to a student who has produced outstanding anthropological research. This prize was established in memory of archaeologist Deborah Nichols, a Dartmouth professor from 1985-2022 whose mentorship, wisdom, and generosity inspired dozens of student research projects.
Avery Hormaechea '24
(Capstone Project)
"New England Thrift: An Exploration & Exhibition of Value's Affects"
Advisor: L. Ogden
Jane Murry Bryan
(Goodman Research Grant)
"Imagining the Future: Identity Negotiation among Christian Women at Elite Universities"
Advisor: S. Craig