Faculty Research Projects



Sienna Craig and Laura Ogden
"Writing Together: Collaborative Evocations"

Dale Eickelman and Christine Eickelman
"Hierarchy, Loyalty, and Belonging in an Arabian Oasis Society: The Views from Below"

Jennifer Eyre
"The musculoskeletal and ligamentous morphology of the ventral pubic bone"

Ellen Kozelka
"For One and For All: Using Anthropological Methods to Understand Stakeholder Perspectives of Digital Mental Health for Equitable Implementation of Novel Care Practices"

Laura Ogden
"Yagán Landscapes Book Project"

Nicholas Reo and Sienna Craig
"Te Ara Moana (pathway to the sea)"

Zachary Silvia
"Investigating aridification: Bronze and Iron Age settlement strategies through archaeological geophysics west of Bukhara, Uzbekistan"



Nathaniel Dominy
"Fire and focus during human evolution (addendum)"

Sergei Kan
"Russian Translation of 'Lev Shternberg: Anthropologist, Russian Socialist, Jewish Activist'"

Madeleine McLeester
"Entangled Earth: Exploring Past Indigenous Agricultural Landscapes in the Western Great Lakes"

Deborah Nichols
"Otumba Project Collections - INAH Final Submission"

Glorieuse Uwizeye
"Epigenetic impact of prenatal exposure to genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda"

Anthropology Faculty Research


Jesse Casana
"Digging Dartmouth: Archaeological Investigations of Early Campus History"

Sienna Craig
"Language, Culture, Community, and COVID-19: Himalayan New Yorkers Respond to a Global Pandemic" (Read Professor Craig's associated article published in The Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA): Asian Medicines and Covid-19: An Introduction)

Nate Dominy
"Fire and Focus During Human Evolution"

Theresa Gildner/ Zane Thayer
"COVID-19 And Reproductive Effects (CARE): Understanding Pregnancy During Coronavirus"

Deborah Nichols
"Re-study of the Eastern, Southern, and Northwestern Basin of Mexico Survey Collections"

Laura Ogden
"Loss & Wonder at the World's End: Publication Costs"

Anthropology Faculty Research


Laura Odgen
"Environmental Politics on the Beagle Channel"

Deborah Nichols
"Altica Project Addendum and Next Steps"

Elizabeth Carpenter-Song
"Safety Nets, Traps, and Striving: Lived Experiences of Disability Benefits among People with Mental Illness in the U.S."

Anthropology Faculty Research


Kenneth Bauer
Development and Social Change in Dolpo, Nepal

Sienna Craig
"Without the plants, we have no medicine." Sowa Rigpa, Ethnobotany, and the Conservation of Threatened Species in Nepal

Deborah Nichols
Reframing the Formative Basin of Mexico: Altica in the Millenium before Teotihuacan

Laura Ogden
Collaborative Archival Research with the Yagan Community of Navarino island, Chile

Anthropology Faculty Research


Jesse Casana
Between the Highlands & the Lowlands: Early Imperialism in the Zagros-Mesopotamia Interface

Sienna Craig
The Ends of Kinship: Care and Belonging between Nepal and New York City

Nathaniel Dominy
Using Stable Isotopes to Measure the Nutritional Advantages of Stone Tool-Use by Long-Tailed Macaques
Using the Auditory Brainstem Response to Fill Gaps in Our Understanding of Human Language Evolution

Dale Eickelman
Transformed by Translation

Bruno Frohlich
Archaeological Survey in Eastern Mongolia

Sergei Kan
Franz Boas and Russian Anthropology: The American Museum of Natural History Archive

Deborah Nichols
Changing Technology and Function of Stone Tools in the Teotihuacan Valley, Mexico over Three Millennia

Anthropology Faculty Research


Nathaniel Dominy
Workgroup: Coupled Grassland and Mammalian Dynamics over Ecological and Evolutionary Timescales

Deborah Nichols
Objects and Economy in the Aztec Empire

Laura Ogden
Anishnabek Understandings of Introduced Species in the Northern Great Lakes Region

Anthropology Faculty Research


Kenneth Bauer
Resettlement and Urbanization among Nomads in Mongolia and China

Dale Eickelman
Between Vocation and Education in North Africa and the Middle East: the Crisis in Post-Secondary Education

Kirk Endicott
Processing Batek Field Notes and Slides

Nadav Samin
Preliminary Research for Book Project on Migration to and from the Arabian Peninsula

Benjamin Valentine
Inferring Provenience of Indus Civilization Immigrants: Defining an Isotopic Baseline through Archaeological Sediments

Amanda Veile
Changing Birth Dynamics in a Yucatec Maya Community: Do Cesarean Births undermine Chile Health?

Anthropology Faculty Research


Jason Herrmann
Geophysical Investigations at Three Middle Woodland Mound Centers

Sergei Kan
Preparing a Second Edition of "Symbolic Immortality" monograph

Sergei Kan
James W. Fernandez and the History Anthropology at Dartmouth

Deborah Nichols
Oxford Handbook of the Aztecs

Deborah Nichols
Altica: Craft Specialization, Exchange, and the Development of Early Complex Societies in Central Mexico

Kes Schroer
Clarifying complex population histories on Mindanao, the Gateway to Sahul

Anthropology Faculty Research


R. Alan Covey, Jason Herrmann, Deborah Nichols
Digital SLR Camera and Accessories for Field and Laboratory Use

Sienna Craig
Medicine in the Mountains: Engaging Health and Development in Asia's High Mountain Regions

Seth Dobson
Facial expressivity and trustworthiness in free-ranging rhesus macaques

Kirk Endicott
Current Developments in Australian Aboriginal Art

Sergei Kan
Archival Research on The Robert Harry Lowie Papers

Chelsey Kivland
Based in Respect: Street Politics, Violence, and the Making of Vernacular Sovereigns in Urban Haiti

Amanda Melin
Sensory Integration During Primate Food Choice

Kathleen Muldoon
Mechanical Preparation of Subfossils from Madagascar

Deborah Nichols
Ceramic and Obsidian Production and Exchange and Political Economy in the Formative Period Basin of Mexico

Anthropology Faculty Research


Christopher Ball
Folk Art, Worship, and Dialect: An Ethnography of Craft and Communication in Kunisaki, Japan

Elizabeth Carpenter-Song
Supplement to “Families on the Edge: An Ethnographic Study of the Lived Experiences of Families Experiencing Homelessness in Northern New England”

Sienna Craig
Healing Elements: Efficacy and the Social Ecologies of Tibetan Medicine

Sienna Craig
Producing Efficacious Medicines: Quality, Potency, Lineage and Critically Endangered Knowledge: An Event Ethnography in Conjunction with an International Workshop

Dale F. Eickelman
The Social Logic of Muslims' Politics: Culture and Authority in an Age of Discontent

James Igoe
Grassroots Globalization: a Preliminary Discussion of the Shifting Landscapes of Environmentalism, Human Rights, and Electoral Politics in Tanzania

Sergei Kan
Edited Volume Based on the Proceedings of the International Conference Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of Lev Shternberg’s Birth

Deborah Nichols
Cerro Portezuelo: Collections Return

Anthropology Faculty Research


Sergei Kan
“Vincent Soboleff: A Russian-American Photographer in Tlingit Country”

James Igoe
Spectacle, Image, and Wildlife Conservation: an Event Ethnography on the Project Title Work of Wildlife Film and the Wild Screen Natural History Film Festival

Anthropology Faculty Research


Christopher Ball
I-Turn, U-Turn, Why-Turn?: Language and Place in the Construction of Community in Rural Japan

Hoyt Alverson
Mini Ethnography Projects in Setting of Local Social Service Agencies

Elizabeth Carpenter-Song
Families on the Edge: An Ethnographic Study of the Lived Experiences of Homeless Children and Families in Rural Communities

Sienna Craig
Current Research and Publications on Tibetan Medicine and Health Care in Tibetan/Himalayan Communities

Seth Dobson, Nate Dominy, Kathleen Muldoon
Request to Purchase a Research Quality Cast of KNM-WT 15000 (Homo erectus)

Kathleen Muldoon
Reconnaissance for two fossil primate field sites: Christmas River, Madagascar and Togwotee Pass, Wyoming

Deborah Nichols
Oxford Handbook of Mesoamerican Archaeology

Anthropology Faculty Research


Sienna Craig
Research Assistant for Preparation of Book Manuscript: "The Worlds of Tibetan Medicine

Sergei Kan
Purchase of Books "Lev Shternberg: Anthropologist, Russian Socialist, Jewish Activist", and postage to Russia

Kathleen Muldoon
Isotopic Evidence for Diet in the Extinct Giant Lemurs of Madagascar

Kathleen Muldoon
The Cost of Living: Field Metabolism of Ringtailed Lemurs (Lemur Catta)

Anthropology Faculty Research


Christopher Ball
Ethno-Semantic Categories in Wauja: Toward a Comparative Perspective on Upper Xinguan Multilingualism

Sienna Craig
Medicine Between Science and Religion: Explorations on Tibetan Grounds: A Collaborative Conference to Prepare the Book for Publication

Seth Dobson
Facial Expression in Theropithecus gelada: A Field Study in Semien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia

Kirk Endicott
Supplement to Goodman Grant for gift copies of book

Dale Eickelman
New Directions in Middle Eastern and Central Asian Anthropology: Collaborative Conference for a Major Revision of the Middle East and Central Asia, 4th edition (2002) and translation into German

Sergei Kan
Alexander Goldenweiser's Scholarship and Politics

Kathleen Muldoon
Taphonomic Analysis of Small Mammal Prey Remains at Ranomafana National Park, Southeastern Madagascar

Robert Welsch
Friendship Networks along the Aitape Coast of New Guinea: A Quantitative Analysis of Field Data Using Network Algorithms

Robert Welsch
Changing Role of Contemporary Artists in Papua New Guinea: The Chimbu Grass Roots Artists of Port Moresby

Anthropology Faculty Research


Sienna Craig
Himalayan Healers in Transition:Professionalization, Identity, and Engagements with Conservation and Development among Tibetan Medicine Practitioners in Nepal

Sienna Craig
Tibetan Medicine at the Crossroads: Standardization, Commodization, and "Good" Manufacturing Practices

Deborah Nichols
Regional States and City-States: The Classic to Postclassic at Cerro Portezuelo

Nichol Stuckenberger
A Comparative Study on the Relevance of Local Knowledge in Adapting to Environmental Impacts of Global Warming among Arctic Inuit Communities

Anthropology Faculty Research


Kamyar Abdi
Archaeological Research in Iran

Sergei Kan
The Vincent Soboleff Photograph Collection and the Ethnohistory of Killisnoo, a Native Alaskan Community

Sergei Kan
Lev Sternberg and the Development of Soviet Anthropology

Anthropology Faculty Research


Dale Eickelman
Secrecy and Lying: A book project

Kirk Endicott
Hunter-Gatherer Research in Malaysia and Australia

Sergei Kan
Lev Sternberg and the Development of Soviet Anthropology

Anthropology Faculty Research


Robert Welsch
Visualizing Culture in Papua New Guinea

Sergei Kan
The Role of Repatriated Sacred Regalia in the Contemporary Tlingit Sociopolitical and Ceremonial Life

Kamyar Abdi
Radiocarbon Dating of Samples from Archaeological Excavations at Chogha Gavaneh, Central Zagros Mountains, Iran

Dale Eickelman
Public Islam and the Common Good

Anthropology Faculty Research


Deborah Nichols
The Multidisciplinary Approaches to Social Violence in the Prehispanic American Southwest

Anthropology Faculty Research


Kirk Endicott
The Current Position of Indigenous Minorities in Malaysia

Paul Goldstein
Precision Radiocarbon Dating of the Tiwanaku Colonies

Sergei Kan
Lev Shternberg and the History of Ethnological Research on the Island of Sakhalin

Robert Welsch
Developing an Exhibition Catalog for 'Coaxing the Spirits to Dance'

Anthropology Faculty Research


Deborah Nichols
Materials Analysis and the Study of Prehispanic Market Exchange in Post-Classic Mexico: Student-Faculty Research

Anthropology Faculty Research


Dale Eickelman
The Social and Political Networks of Religious Intellectuals in Syria

Robert Welsch
The Impact of a Tidal Wave on Traditional Social Networks in Papua, New Guinea

Christine Kray
Finding a Home in Cancun: Migration, Self-Formation, and Collective Action

John Watanabe
Forging Identities, Citizenship, and the Nation in Late Nineteenth-Century Maya Communities of Western Guatemala

Robert Welsch
An American Anthropologist in Melanesia

Anthropology Faculty Research


Hoyt Alverson
Vocational Rehabilitation Models for Consumers with Severe Mental Disability (SMD): An Ethnographic Study

Michele Goldsmith
Comparative Behavioral Ecology of Sympatric Chimpanzees and Mountain Gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda

Michele Goldsmith
Women in Science Project (WISP): Functional Relations Between Diet and Molar Morphology in Gorillas

Sergei Kan
Publication Costs for Memory Eternal: Tlingit Culture and Russian Orthodox Christianity, 1794-1994

Deborah Nichols
The Archaeology of City-States

Robert Welsch
Indexing of and Cartography for An American Anthropologist in Melanesia: A. B. Lewis and the Joseph N. Field South Pacific Expedition, 1909-1913

Anthropology Faculty Research


Hoyt Alverson
Discourse-Analytic Study of Schizophrenic Speech

Dale Eickelman
Preparing Book for Publication (New Media and the Politics of Civil Society in the Muslim World)

Michele Goldsmith
Behavioral Ecology and Conservation of Sympatric Gorillas and Chimpanzees in the Bwindi-Impenetrable National Park, Uganda

Peter Goldsmith
Moe Ach's Folkways: Cultural Brokerage on the Margins of the Recording Industry

Paul Goldstein
Pre-Hispanic Settlement Patterns of the Moquegua Valley: Regional Complementarity and Sociopolitical Complexity in the Southern Andes

Anthropology Faculty Research


Dale Eickelman
Travel and Other Expenses Involved in Preparation of Muslim Politics

Deborah Nichols
Processes of Aztec State Formation in the Northeastern Basin of Mexico: Materials Analysis

Anthropology Faculty Research


Sangmee Bak
Food, Consumption, and Nationalism in Urban Korea

Kirk Endicott
Malaysia and the 'Original People': A Case Study of the Impact of Development on Indigenous Peoples

Sergei Kan
Second Conference of Tlingit Tribes and Clans

Anthropology Faculty Research


Hoyt Alverson
Discourse-Analytic, Cross-Cultural Study of Schizophrenic Speech

Dale Eickelman
Maps for Middle East and Central Asia (3rd edition)

Sergei Kan
Continuity and Change in the Tlingit Memorial Potlatch

Deborah Nichols
Processes of Aztec State Formation in the Northeastern Basin of Mexico: Materials Analysis

Anthropology Faculty Research


The Elders Conference: History and Practice of Eastern Arctic Anthropology

Anthropology Faculty Research


Sergei Kan
Attendance at Tlingit Memorial Potlatch in Angoon, Alaska

Kirk Endicott
Social Change Amne the Batek of Malaysia

Kirk Endicott
Editing and Publishing Orang Asli Studies Newsletter for Five-Year Period

Anthropology Faculty Research


Deborah Nichols
Early State Formation Processes: The Aztec City-State of Otumba, Mexico

Anthropology Faculty Research


Hoyt Alverson
Semantics and Experience: The Cultural and Cognitive Foundations of Meaning in Natural Language

Anthropology Faculty Research


Sally McBeth
Collaborative Oral History Project with Esther Burnett Horne

Anthropology Faculty Research


Catherine Coles
Follow-Up Study on Nigerian Women

Kenneth Korey
Microevolutionary Discontinuity and Punctuated Equilibrium

Anthropology Faculty Research


Kirk Endicott
Examination of Hrolf Vaughn Stevens Material in the Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin

David Gregory
Legal and Illegal Labor Migration from Mexico to the U.S.

Anthropology Faculty Research


Barbara McMillan
Archaeological Research on Upper Connecticut River Valle