Sienna Craig and Laura Ogden
"Writing Together: Collaborative Evocations"
Dale Eickelman and Christine Eickelman
"Hierarchy, Loyalty, and Belonging in an Arabian Oasis Society: The Views from Below"
Jennifer Eyre
"The musculoskeletal and ligamentous morphology of the ventral pubic bone"
Ellen Kozelka
"For One and For All: Using Anthropological Methods to Understand Stakeholder Perspectives of Digital Mental Health for Equitable Implementation of Novel Care Practices"
Laura Ogden
"Yagán Landscapes Book Project"
Nicholas Reo and Sienna Craig
"Te Ara Moana (pathway to the sea)"
Zachary Silvia
"Investigating aridification: Bronze and Iron Age settlement strategies through archaeological geophysics west of Bukhara, Uzbekistan"