
The Department of Anthropology offers courses broadly categorized as Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, and Cultural Anthropology.

Please consult the teaching schedule below for the most current listing of Anthropology courses by term. This list is subject to change and supersedes any other published listing.

Fall 2024 Teaching Schedule

ANTH 03 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (CULT) - Novacich
ANTH 06 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology (BIOL) - Thayer
ANTH 08 - The Rise and Fall of Prehistoric Civilizations (ARCH) - Ward
ANTH 09 - Language & Culture (CULT) - Billings
ANTH 15 - Political Anthropology (CULT) - Slobe
ANTH 18 - Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology (CULT) - Carpenter-Song
ANTH 31 / WGSS 36.01 - Gender in Cross Cultural Perspectives (CULT) - Billings
ANTH 39 / MES 3.02 - Archaeology of the Middle East (ARCH) - Casana
ANTH 50.40 - Anthropology of Disaster (CULT) - Boke
ANTH 64 - Evolution of Birth, Pregnancy, and Babies (BIOL) - Thayer
ANTH 77 - Origins of Inequality (ARCH) - Casana

Winter 2025 Teaching Schedule

ANTH 07 - FYS (CULT) - Craig
ANTH 27 - Economic Anthropology in a Changing World (CULT) - Greenleaf
ANTH 50.05 - Environmental Archaeology (ARCH) - Ward
ANTH 50.41 / COCO 33 - Homelands and Diasporas (CULT) - Kan
ANTH 50.57 - Cultural Diversity in the United States (CULT) - Novacich
ANTH 50.XX - Rural Places and People (CULT) - Sosin
ANTH 50.XX - Virtual Anthropology (BIOL) - Komza
ANTH 51 - Colonialism and Its Legacies (CULT, FSP) - Thayer
ANTH 52 - Introduction to Maori Society (CULT, FSP) - Thayer
ANTH 54 - Foreign Study in Anthropology - TBD and Thayer
ANTH 55 - Anthropology of Global Health (CULT) - Sosin
ANTH 72 - Ethnicity and Nationalism (CULT) - Kan

Spring 2025 Teaching Schedule

ANTH 06 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology (BIOL) - DeSilva
ANTH 14 - Death and Dying (CULT) - Kan
ANTH 18 - Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology (CULT) - Novacich
ANTH 40 - Human Functional Anatomy (BIOL) - Dominy
ANTH 44  / WGSS 53.07 - Language, Gender & Sexuality (CULT) - Billings
ANTH 50.03 - Digital Archaeology (ARCH) - Casana
ANTH 50.17 - Rites of Passage (CULT) - Craig/Mishra
ANTH TBD - Course TBD (CULT) - Boke
ANTH 50.XX - TBD (ARCH) - Ward
ANTH 50.XX - Language and Humor (CULT) - Billings
ANTH 50.XX - Archaeology of Native American Sports (ARCH) - McLeester
ANTH 55 - Anthropology of Global Health (CULT) - Sosin
ANTH 60 - Psychological Anthropology (CULT) - Carpenter-Song
ANTH 73 - Main Currents in Anthropology (CULT) - Craig
ANTH 74 - The Human Spectrum (BIOL) - Dominy

Summer 2025 Teaching Schedule

ANTH 20 - Primate Evolution and Ecology (BIOL) - Dominy

Fall 2025 Teaching Schedule

ANTH 06 - Introduction to Biological Anthropology (BIOL) - Dominy
ANTH 09 - Language & Culture (CULT) - Billings
ANTH 18 - Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology (CULT) - Carpenter-Song
ANTH 31 / WGSS 36.01 - Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective (CULT) - Billings
ANTH 50.XX - Anthropological Genetics (BIOL) - Fleskes

Winter 2026 Teaching Schedule

ANTH 12.26 / GEOG 39.01 - Envronmental Justice (CULT) - Greenleaf
ANTH 14 - Death and Dying (CULT) - Kan
ANTH 27 - Economic Anthropology in a Changing World (CULT) - Greenleaf
ANTH 51 - Colonialism and Its Legacies (CULT, FSP) - Craig
ANTH 52 - Introduction to Maori Society (CULT, FSP) - Craig
ANTH 54 - Foreign Study in Anthropology (TBD, FSP) - TBD & Craig

Spring 2026 Teaching Schedule

ANTH 06 - Intro to Biological Anthropology (BIOL) - Fleskes
ANTH 17 - Anthropology of Health and Illness (CUTL) - Carpenter-Song
ANTH 40 - Human Functional Anatomy (BIOL) - Dominy
ANTH 44 / WGSS 53.07 - Language, Gender & Sexuality (CULT) - Billings
ANTH 48 - From Sacred to Salvation (CULT) - Kan
ANTH 50.41 / COCO 33 - Homelands and Diasporas (CULT) - Kan
ANTH 50.XX - Linguistic Anthropology Methods (CULT) - Billings
ANTH 73 - Main Currents in Anthropology (CULT) - Greenleaf
ANTH 7X - Senior Seminar TBD (BIOL) - Thayer