2022 Buddhist Healing Practices. In K. Trainor and P. Arai, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190632922.013.11
2022 Varied Reproductive Histories of Ethnically Tibetan Women. K. Sarna, G. Cioffi, S.R. Craig, J.S. Barnholtz-Sloan, B. Basnyat, C.M. Beall. Journal of the Nepal Health Research Council 19(53): 1-6.
2021 Art and Ethnographic Form in Dark Times: Revisiting Joy, Considering Suffering. Cultural Anthropology – Theorizing the Contemporary. Y. Stainova and S.R. Craig, eds., invited submission of ten original essays and an introduction by the editors. https://culanth.org/fieldsights/series/art-and-ethnographic-forms-in-dark-times.
2021. Global Pandemic, Translocal Medicine: The COVID-19 Diaries of a Tibetan Physician in New York City. S.R. Craig, N.T. Gurung, R. Perlin, M. Daurio, D. Kaufman, and M. Turin. Asian Medicine 16: 58-88, special issue on the novel coronavirus and Asian medical responses.
2021. Unsettling the American Dream: Mobility, Migration, and Precarity among Translocal Himalayan Communities during COVID-19. T. W. Gurung, E. Amburgy, and S.R. Craig. Development and Change. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12670.
2021. Healing Through History: A Qualitative Evaluation of a Social Medicine Consultation Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents. J. Bradley, D. Styren, A. Ward, J. Howe, S.R. Craig, and E. Cohen. BMC Medical Education 21(95): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-021-02505-1.
2020. The Ends of Kinship: Connecting Himalayan Lives Between Nepal and New York. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.
2020. Responding to an Unfolding Pandemic: Asian Medicines and COVID-19. Cultural Anthropology – Hot Spots Series. S.R. Craig, B. Gerke, and J. van der Valk, eds. URL: https://culanth.org/fieldsights/series/responding-to-an-unfolding-pandemic-asian-medicines-and-covid-19
[A curated and peer-reviewed collection of 18 essays about Asian medical responses to the pandemic, as well as the historical, cultural, and political-economic contexts of epidemics in Asia, with contributions from scholars and practitioners. Published online June 23, 2020.]
2020. Sowa Rigpa Humanitarianism: Local Logics of Care Within a Global Politics of Compassion. S.R. Craig, B. Gerke, V. Sheldon. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. DOI: 10.1111/maq.12561.
2020. Subversive Maps: How Digital Language Mapping Can Support Biocultural Diversity. M. Daurio, S.R. Craig, D. Kaufman, R. Perlin, and M. Turin. Terralingua: Langscape Journal, May 19, 2020. URL: https://terralingua.org/langscape_articles/subversive-maps-how-digital-language-mapping-can-support-biocultural-diversity/
2020. On Unreliable Narrators. In C. McGranahan, ed. Writing Anthropology: Essays on Craft and Commitment. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 93-98.
2019. Letters for Mother. Book 2.0 9 (1-2): 142-149.
2019. Narrating Disaster through Participatory Research: Responding to Post-Earthquake Nepal. G. Childs, S.R. Craig, D. N. Dhakal, M. Donohue, K. Hildebrandt. Collaborative Anthropologies 10 (1-2): 207-236.
2018. Exploring the Surgical Gaze through Literature and Art. K. Kirkland and S.R. Craig. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 319 (15): 1532-1534. URL: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2678593.
2018. Mustang in Black and White. Photographs by Kevin Bubriski, Text by Sienna Craig. Kathmandu: Vajra Publications.
2018. Orality and Mobility: Documenting Himalayan Voices in New York City. N.T. Gurung, R. Perlin, D. Kaufman, M. Turin, S.R. Craig. Verge: Studies in Global Asia 4(2): 64-80.
2018. Orienting to Medicine: Scripting Professionalism, Hierarchy, and Social Difference at the Start of Medical School. S.R. Craig, R. Scott, K. Blackwood. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11013-018-9580-0.
2018. The Khora of Migration: Everyday Practices of (Well)-Being between Mustang, Nepal and New York City. S.R. Craig and N.T. Gurung, In D. Gellner and S. Hausner, eds. Global Nepalis: Religion and Culture in a New Diaspora. Oxford and New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 271-300.
2017. What is Anthropology? In What is …? In D. Rockmore, ed. A guided Tour of the Great Ideas of the Liberal Arts. Lebanon, NH: University of New England Press.
2016. Naming and Forgetting: Sowa Rigpa and the Recognition of Asian Medical Systems. S.R. Craig and B. Gerke. MedicineAnthropologyTheory. URL: http://www.medanthrotheory.org/read/6701/naming-and-forgetting.
2016. Craig, S., C.M. Beall, G. Childs. Closing the Womb Door: Contraception Use and the Fertility Transition among Three Generations of Buddhist Women in Highland Nepal. Accepted, Maternal Child Health, special issue on mountain communities. DOI 10.1007/s10995-016-2017-x.
2015. (Co)Producing Efficacious Medicines: Collaborative Event Ethnography with Himalayan and Tibetan Sowa Rigpa Practitioners. C. Blaikie, S. Craig, B. Gerke, and T. Hofer. Current Anthropology 56(2): 178-204
2015. Alternative Accounting in Maternal and Infant Global Health. V. Adams, S. Craig, A. Samen. Global Public Health. DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2015.1021364
2012. Healing Elements: Efficacy and the Social Ecologies of Tibetan Medicine. Berkeley: University of California Press.
2010 Medicine Between Science and Religion: Explorations on Tibetan Grounds. V. Adams, M. Schrempf, and S. Craig eds. London and New York: Berghahn Books.
2008. Horses Like Lightning: A Story of Passage through the Himalayas . Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications.