Maron Greenleaf Receives a Wenner-Gren Hunt Fellowship

Maron Greenleaf has been awarded a Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. The fellowship supports early career scholars to complete significant works of scholarship in anthropology by enabling full-time writing. While a Hunt Postdoctoral Scholar, Maron will complete her book manuscript "Forest Lost: Carbon and Inclusion in the Brazilian Amazon." The book is an ethnography of the effort to monetarily value standing forests in order to protect them. It shows how, in part of the Brazilian Amazon, the forest's new value enabled environmentally-premised state redistribution, a new form of citizenship, and support for forest-based land use practices—inclusive politics aimed at mixed-heritage smallholders and the forested landscapes in which they live. "Forest Lost" also examines the limits of this environmental inclusion, exploring its links to increasing deforestation and support for pro-deforestation candidates, like Jair Bolsonaro.