"Medical Gross Anatomy: Scars of Human Evolution"

Prof. DeSilva and Prof. Dominy will be teaching ANTH 42 "Medical Gross Anatomy: Scars of Human Evolution" during summer term ’18
Human anatomy is important for medical professionals, artists, and anthropologists. This dissection-based course will explore the human body and its many imperfections. The deficiencies of our bodies —clumsy compromises in our teeth, feet, backs, bottoms, and birthings— are chronic clinical concerns that reflect our evolutionary history. Taking a cue from Wilton Krogman’s 1951 classic, Scars of Human Evolution, this course will demonstrate how and how far the human body fails by the standards of intelligent design.

In spring term ’19 they will be teaching ANTH 6 "Introduction to Biological Anthropology."
The major themes of biological anthropology will be introduced;  these include the evolution of the primates, the evolution of the human  species, and the diversification and adaptation of modern human  populations. Emphasis will be given to (1) the underlying evolutionary  framework, and (2) the complex interaction between human biological and  cultural existences and the environment.

Jeremy DeSilva
Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences; Honorary Research Fellow, Evolutionary Studies Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.

Jeremy "Jerry" DeSilva is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Dartmouth College. He is a paleoanthropologist, specializing in the locomotion of the first apes (hominoids) and early human ancestors (hominins). His particular anatomical expertise  —the human foot and ankle— has contributed to our understanding of the origins and evolution of upright walking in the human lineage.  He has studied wild chimpanzees in Western Uganda and early human fossils in Museums throughout Eastern and South Africa. From 1998-2003, Jeremy worked as an educator at the Boston Museum of Science and continues to be passionate about science education.

Other courses from Prof. DeSilva are:
ANTH 41 - "Human Evolution" (BIOL) during fall term ’18.
ANTH 76 - "Evolution of Upright Walking" (Culminating Experience) during spring ’19.

Nathaniel J. Dominy
Charles Hansen Professor of Anthropology; Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences; Professor, Ecology, Evolution, Ecosystems and Society (EEES) Graduate Program.

Professor Dominy Is an anthropologist and evolutionary biologist. He studies the behavior, ecology, and functional morphology of humans and nonhuman primates. His research philosophy is to integrate tropical fieldwork with mechanical, molecular, and isotopic analyses in order to better understand how and why adaptive shifts occurred during primate evolution.

Other courses from Prof. Dominy:
ANTH 40 - "Human Functional Anatomy" (BIOL) during spring term ’19.