Are Warfare and Homicide Responsible for Low Population Growth Rates if Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers?
Robert KellyUniversity of WyomingApril 23, 2015
[more]Robert KellyUniversity of WyomingApril 23, 2015
[more]Seth Holmes, MDAssistant Professor, Public Health and Medical AnthropologyUniversity of California, Berkley April 6th, 2015Rockefeller Center 0034:30 - 6:00 p.m. Dr. Seth M. Holmes is a cultural anthropologist and physician whose work focuses broadly on social hierarchies, health inequalities, and the ways in which such inequalities are naturalized and normalized in society and in health care. He is Co-Director of the MD/PhD Track in Medical Anthropology coordinated between UCSF and UC Berkley and Director of the Berkley Center for Social Medicine.
[more]Karen HoAssociate Professor of AnthropologyaUniversity of Minnesota April 13th, 2015Rockefeller Center, 0023:30 - 5:00 p.m.
[more]The funding provided by the NGS Waitt Grant will help Venkataraman and Kerby to develop a multi-camera array to measure and study morphological traits of wild primates.
[more]The Anthropology Department is pleased to congratulate Colin Walmsley '15 of Fort MacLeod, Alberta, Canada, who has been named the 78th Rhodes Scholar in Dartmouth's History. As a double major in Anthropology and Government, Colin plans to use the scholarship to pursue a master's degree in social anthropology at Oxford.